I found exactly what I was looking for, which was to see what it was like to go. Being in a state of travel is great because it keeps your mind busy, since there are so many new things to worry about, like where and what to eat, where to sleep, the logistics of traveling,
Metropolitan walkabout
I’m not even sure if I want to go on this journey, but I know more certainly that I don’t want to not go. It’s an excitingly unpleasant feeling, the anticipation of entering the unknown. Will I die? Will I be bored? Will I feel lonely? Very much of this endeavor is up in the
What it’s like to go on study exchange to Taiwan from Norway
I remember that before I went I was very insecure and not sure what to expect. There were some videos on YouTube that I watched to try to get an idea of what it was like in Taiwan, but there weren’t really that many, and in my experience you never know what it’ll be like